The Difference Between Business Owners and Entrepreneurs

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Due to the lack of self-confidence in leadership circles, it has become evident that business owners grasp at straws, attempting to use emotion to drive their company. 

There is a big difference between that of a business owner and an entrepreneur. 

There is a common misconception that entrepreneur and business owner are interchangeable terms, but there are some key differences! Here’s a breakdown:


Business Owner:

  • Focus: Running an existing business or starting one based on a proven model.
  • Motivation: Stability, income, building a loyal customer base.
  • Risk Tolerance: Generally lower risk profile, preferring proven methods and existing markets.
  • Innovation: May implement existing innovations but not necessarily focus on creating them. 
  • Examples: Restaurant owner, franchisee, local retail store owner.



  • Focus: Creating something new, disrupting existing markets, or introducing innovative products or services.
  • Motivation: Growth, impact, creating value through originality.
  • Risk Tolerance: High-risk profile, comfortable with uncertainty and potential failure. 
  • Innovation: Core driver, constantly seeking new ideas and opportunities.
  • Examples: Tech startup founder, social entrepreneur, inventor.


Here’s an analogy to think about it:

  • Business owner: Buys a franchise bakery, focuses on consistent quality and customer service.
  • Entrepreneur: Opens a bakery specializing in gluten-free, vegan pastries, taking a risk on a new market demand.


  • All entrepreneurs are business owners, but not all business owners are entrepreneurs.
  • There’s overlap and nuance: some business owners also innovate and take risks, and some entrepreneurs manage existing businesses alongside their ventures.
  • Ultimately, it’s about the mindset and driving force: running a business vs. creating something entirely new.


  • Leadership becomes misunderstood because it is not inherited but earned through humility to be exceptional and respected.
  • Leadership becomes misunderstood because it is not inherited but earned through humility to be exceptional and respected.
  • Leadership is not control; it is guidance and teaching correct principles.
  • Inflicting pain on others shows the inability of one to control themselves and the environment they are in. 
  • Leadership is not arrogance, hate, narcissism, or stature-building.
  • Arrogance is the mirror of your soul. Of self-management and poor leadership skills.


  • Focus, your are a teacher and counselor, making them believe in your ideas as valid and useful to society. They are giving up some of their personal goals to help you attain yours, treat them with respect and kindness.